Courageous Conversations About Our Schools Podcast

Our podcast brings people together for respectful conversations about today’s most contentious issues affecting our schools.

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Indoctination Ken Futernick Indoctination Ken Futernick

Forbidden Topics: Are Schools Hiding the Truth from Students? (Ep. 7)

Lawmakers in some states have enacted new policies that prevent or discourage teachers from discussing current events, controversial topics, and in some cases to study anything that causes students to feel “uncomfortable.” Others believe schools are an important place for students to learn about the events that impact their lives, their communities, and their country and that teachers can (and should) do this in a non-partisan manner.

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Indoctination Ken Futernick Indoctination Ken Futernick

Are Teachers Really Indoctrinating Students? (Ep. 1)

Education board rooms across the country have recently become battlegrounds over mask and vaccine mandates, how history should be taught, and how race and racism should be studied. Amidst these contentious debates are concerns among some that too many educators are indoctrinating their students with partisan viewpoints. But what does it really mean to indoctrinate and is it always undesirable or undemocratic?

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