Middie Rising - A City Unites and Defuses a School Culture War (Ep. 1 of 3)

Episode Notes

This is the first of three episodes about the unusual steps school leaders in Middletown, Ohio took to defuse tensions over race issues and health policies. These tensions could have led to a full-blown culture war - the kind of knock-down, drag out clashes that have pitted educators, parents, and even students against one another in a growing number of school districts across the country.

In this episode you will hear why police had been called in to maintain order at a pivotal school board meeting in 2021. You’ll hear the voices of angry parents accusing Marlon Styles, the district’s first Black superintendent, of promoting racist practices in the district’s schools. And, you’ll hear others condemn the school board for violating students’ rights with their mandatory mask policy.

In the second episode, you will learn about Superintendent Styles’ unusual response to the allegations. Instead of fighting back, he listened to his critics, asked for help, and rallied the city’s “quiet majority.” These counterintuitive steps defused the smoldering culture war, enabling the district to focus on other serious challenges affecting student learning.

In the third episode, you will hear from Middletown’s community leaders and several outside observers who reflect on the tangible lessons this story teaches and the “credible” hope it offers to school and community leaders across the country. One of these observers is Amanda Ripley, author of the New York Times bestselling book, High Conflict - Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out, who said, “I love the story because we desperately need examples of how people and communities manage to get out of dysfunctional conflict…The only way to learn is by finding these outliers of ‘positive deviance,’ communities that managed to not implode in conflict and learn from what they did.”

Key Moments from Episode 1 of the Middletown Series


A Community at a Crossroads (00:01 - 01:30): Ken Futernick sets the stage for Middletown's journey through potential division, highlighting the power of unity and resilience in overcoming community tensions.

Discovering Middletown's Spirit (02:15 - 05:00): Journalist Courtney Martin shares her initial impressions, painting a vivid picture of a community facing economic challenges but rich in hope and solidarity.

Middie Rising: A Call to Unity (07:45 - 10:00): Marlon Styles discusses the "Middie Rising" campaign, aimed at fostering pride and unity within the district in the face of growing tensions.

The School Board Showdown (13:46 - 14:58): Tensions escalate at a pivotal school board meeting, where debates over mask mandates and diversity initiatives threaten to divide the community.

Standing Strong for Our Students (18:57 - 19:48): Superintendent Styles reflects on the conflict and expresses his unwavering resolve to keep the community focused on its vision for student success.

Featured Guests:

  • Courtney Martin is the author of “Stopping Culture Wars in Their Tracks: How One City Did It,” the article that inspired our three-part podcast series. An accomplished writer and thought leader, Courtney brings considerable insight to the Middletown Series. She is the author of four books, including the most recent, Learning in Public, and she writes the popular newsletter, The Examined Family.

    Courtney is also a co-founder of the Solutions Journalism Network and FRESH Speakers, organizations dedicated to promoting impactful and solutions-focused storytelling. In her role as the Storyteller-in-Residence at The Holding Co., she continues to champion narratives that foster understanding and drive positive change.

  • Michael Bailey is a long-time member of the community and currently a pastor at the Faith United Church in Middletown.

  • Rodney Muterspaw served with the Middletown Division of Police for 30 years, the last five as Chief. Muterspaw later served on Middletown’s City Council and, during his campaign, expressed a strong desire to unify the Council's members, highlighting the importance of collaboration and constructive dialogue. In addition to his public service, Muterspaw is the author of The Blue View: The Uncut Journal of an Ohio Police Chief, where he shares candid insights from his extensive career in law enforcement.

  • Marlon Styles served as Superintendent of the Middletown City Schools from 2017 to 2023. In 2017, Styles was named a Top 30 Digital Trailblazer by the Center for Digital Education, highlighting his innovative approach to education. Styles currently works for the Learner Centered Collaborative, an organization that "partners with educators to define whole-learner outcomes, design meaningful learning experiences, and create enabling conditions for learner-centered education."

  • Tom Falk is a parent of students who attend Middletown City Schools. He is also an Assistant Professor of Education at the University of Dayton, where he teaches courses in Philosophy of Education; History of Education; and School, Self, and Society.

  • Ken Futernick is the host of "Courageous Conversations about Our Schools," a podcast that explores complex and often controversial issues in education through meaningful dialogue and healthy conflict. With a background in teacher education, school policy, and educational research, Futernick has devoted his career advocating for equitable, high-quality learning opportunities for all students.

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Rich Harwood Rocks My World! (Ep. 29)


Middie Rising - A City Unites and Defuses a School Culture War (Ep. 2 of 3)