Our Fiscal Sponsor

Your donation will help us:

  • Continue producing high-quality episodes for our award-winning podcast

  • Expand our reach through new advertising and marketing campaigns

  • Increase our in-person consulting and speaking engagements at minimal or no cost to educators, parents, and board members

A Field of Interest fund for Courageous Conversations about our Schools is maintained by the El Dorado Community Foundation, 501(c)3 # 68-0255556.

“Our Foundation is honored to serve as the fiscal sponsor for Courageous Conversations about our Schools. Its founder, Ken Futernick, is a long-time resident of our community in northern California. He is also a leader of Bridging Divides - El Dorado, a local project promoting trust and dialogue in our schools and in all key sectors of our county.

- Amy Pooley, Executive Director